Skeezers 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 4
“No, just because you’re being insubordinate.”
“Insubordinate? Bitch, are you crazy?”
“Levine, did the inspector talk to—” Killer came into the office and stopped when he saw me frowning. He looked at me, Kitten and then Levine. “What’s going on in here?”
“Nothing…except I’m fired,” I said. “Ain’t that right, Levine? Tell him how you fired me for something I didn’t even do.”
He laughed. “I don’t know what’s going on but you’re certainly not fired. Levine ain’t ‘bout to fuck with the bar money.”
She stood up behind her desk. “Jameson, you can’t do that!” Levine yelled slamming her fist on her desk. “If I let her go you have to respect my decision.”
He exhaled and shook his head “I don’t know what you talking about but Cupid not going anywhere. If you got a problem with her don’t worry about it from here on out. I’ll manage her from now on.”
I grinned.
Her brows lowered. “So you’re undermining my authority?”
“I’m your partner…I can undermine whatever I want. Don’t you remember? We signed a contract.”
I’ve fucked Killer many times but tonight when his dick entered my body it felt like the first time. Taking up for me at Skeezers earlier turned me on. I loved seeing the look on Levine’s face when he gathered her things in front of Kitten.
He had me pressed against the wall, my legs around his waist as his mouth covered mine. His breaths were heavy and intertwined within my own. Feeling how much he wanted me got my pussy so wet it drizzled down my legs.
Damn I love this fat mothafucka.
“Keep it like that, Killer. That dick feels so good.” I told him as he continued to stroke my inner walls. “I love you so much and I’ll do anything for you.”
He softly bit my chin as he spread my cheeks wider apart. “Damn, Cupid, your pussy stay tight, just the way I like it. You don’t let nobody touch my shit right? Because I’d kill your fucking ass.”
“No, baby.” I moaned as I continued to buck my hips. “This shit right here is all yours.”
“I know this my fuckin’ pussy, bitch.” He sucked my bottom lip. “With your sexy black ass.”
The dirtier he talked the closer my orgasm was drawing. When he fucked me it was like he was trying to prove to me that I had a position in his life and I really needed the attention. I swerved my hips as much as possible and could tell by his jerky motions that he was on the verge of busting his nut in any minute.
“I’m ‘bout to cum inside that pussy, Cupid.” He continued although he had a million condoms on. “Keep moving like that, bae. I’m almost there.”
I didn’t respond because I came a few seconds ago and was waiting on him. Killer knew how to handle me and sometimes I’d pretend to be Sprinkles when we made love. Just to keep things fresh. It turned me on when I imagined how he fucked her but that was always right before I got mad. And realized I wasn’t shit but the side bitch.
When we were done we stopped for twenty minutes, got our second wind and went again. This time we were on the bed and I decided to turn around to give him some of that back action. On my hands and knees I placed my upper body on the bed and raised my ass in the air so he could see inside, like I did when I was on stage at Skeezers.
He slid on two condoms like he always did and inserted his dick. There was one thing everybody Killer fucked knew and it was that he didn’t want any kids and he did all he could to prevent it from happening too.
I could feel his dick pulsating within seconds and new he was almost there. When he was done he collapsed on top of my back and because of his weight I couldn’t breathe. “Oh shit, Cupid. That was the move.”
He lifted up and pulled off the condoms, dropping them in the trash. I thought about taking the nut and having a baby anyway but I knew he would kill me.
When he was done he slapped my ass and I could finally breathe. Face up on the bed he said, “I’m sorry if I was too rough but my brother going back to prison got me fucked up. Haven’t been right since they took my man away.”
While he lies on his back I wiggled to the side of his body and put my leg over his fat thigh. My fingers ran up his big stomach and hairy chest. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“You just did.” He put one hand behind his head. “And that shit was right tonight too.”
I smiled because my fuck game didn’t need a comment. When you had it you had it and I was a pro. “So why they arrest him?”
“Something about him violating his parole by hanging with felons.”
My eyebrows rose. “Who’s a felon?”
He laughed. “Sprinkles is your best friend and you don’t know she did a little time?”
I lifted my head and looked at him. “For what?”
He laughed. “You know I’m not gonna tell you that. If she wants you to know she’ll tell you herself. Both of ya’ll tell each other everything else anyway.” He chuckled but I didn’t catch the joke.
I dropped my head and played with his chest again, trying to hide my anger. “Are you sure I tell her everything? We fucking and I didn’t tell her that.”
He turned his head to look at me. “Because you know the best thing about us fucking, outside of that pussy being juicy, is doing it behind her back. If Sprinkles knows about us it ain’t fun no more.”
I sighed and rolled on my back. “Why do you come over to my apartment, fuck me and treat me like shit? Huh? Where’s my ride, Killer? Where are my clothes and stuff? I want the glamorous life too.”
He raised his head? “I don’t give you money? How the fuck you sound? Half of the purses in your closet are courtesy of the dough I be dropping. You do alright at Skeezers but I’m your real bankroll nigga. Never forget it.”
“I’m not saying that.”
He dropped his head. “Well stop talking foul then. Besides, all the paper I dropped on you could’ve bought three cars by now. You choose to spend it on dumb shit.”
“Why do you like fucking me? Huh?”
“Because you as different as a peacock feather.”
I shook my head. I hated when he got corny. “Am I too dark for you?”
“Never…What are you even talking about? You’re the same complexion as me.”
“Whatever, Killer.”
“Listen, don’t get heavy with me because I don’t like that kind of shit. You’re you and she’s her. Look into it anymore than that and you gonna cause problems between us.” He paused. “The fucked up part is you know my brother being gone for one more year got my head messed up and you don’t care. Instead you sitting up in my face mumbling about dumb shit.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m gonna start fucking other niggas.”
He sat up and the bed moved. He rolled over to his side. “Do it, Cupid. Please do it. And watch what happens to you and that nigga when it’s done.”
Levine sat in front of her sister Diane Combs as she ate the snacks Levine bought her from the vending machine in the visiting room. Diane was in prison for burning down Monique’s house, which was Levine’s daughter who had been murdered.
Monique actually lied about her aunt committing arson on her home but since Diane realized in her life she had done many things wrong, she took the prison time without fighting it. And Levine was fully aware of her sister eating the false charge. It was the only reason she visited once a month. At the end of the day her deceased daughter framed her sister for a serious crime.
One she didn’t commit.
“I know you love being a business owner I just don’t know why it has to be there,” Diane said as she chewed on her cheesy Doritos. “That place has been trouble since the days when you were dancing. What is your obsession with it? You treat it like it’s your child or something.”
“Why do you always do that shit, Diane? Huh?” Levine asked as she threw her hands up in
the air. “I’m not Spyrella. I’m your sister. The only person who comes out here to visit and what do you do? Give me constant shit. One day you gonna look up and I’m not gonna be here to beat up on anymore. Then what you gonna do?”
“I know you not Spyrella because my daughter is married and living with her husband in L.A. She realized dancing on that pole wasn’t about anything. And she realized that club wasn’t worth the trouble either. When are you going to let it go? When are you going to focus on what really is important? Isn’t it time? You never grieved over losing Monique that’s why you’re on drugs now.”
Levine leaned back in her seat. “You think you are so much better than me. Even behind these walls. Let us not forget that your daughter is also living with our niece who is paralyzed from the waist down. It was Spy’s crazy ex-boyfriend that put the bullet in that girl and ruined her life. So please…don’t think you raised the perfect angel.”
“I didn’t say that, Levine.”
“You don’t have to because I can tell by your attitude that you think shit is rosy. I do know this…if our sister was alive she would kill herself knowing what came of Carlita.”
“Levine, you know that’s not Spy’s fault.” She paused. “I warned Carlita when she visited to be careful about the revenge she set out to get. I looked in her eyes and told her to let the pain go and she didn’t. She was sitting right where you are. Just like I told her I’m telling you now. Get rid of Skeezers nightclub. Take out your money and run a business you can be proud of. You use to do nails before you became a dancer. Go back to that. I’m begging you.”
Levine laughed and stood up. “Let me tend to my business and you tend to your jail time. Go eat a cell butch’s pussy! I’m out!” She walked out.
Levine sat in her office at Skeezers with Kitten and Marvin. All three of them just finished doing crack but Levine was now eager to get down to business. “I want Killer dead and it can’t wait.”
“You said that already,” Marvin responded. “What you didn’t say was what we get out of it if we help? I’m not the one who’s gonna make the profit from that white dude buying this club. So if you want me to see a benefit I need you to talk cash.”
“You mean there’s no better benefit outside of getting revenge for Killer beating your ass every time he sees you? In front of your woman? If I was a man I would’ve stepped to him for that alone.”
He frowned. “He doesn’t beat my ass. Be careful, Levine. You have been pushing my buttons for a long time now. I’m getting impatient with you.”
Levine leaned back in her chair and relaxed because he didn’t scare her in the least. “Ask your woman how bad you looked by letting a grown man put his hands on you.” She paused. “Tell him, Kitten. It was a sad sight wasn’t it?”
“It does look bad, baby,” Kitten said in a low voice. “Maybe you should get him back. He deserves it.”
Marvin stormed over toward Kitten and Levine raised her hand stopping him. “Don’t hit her in my office!” she lowered her hand. “Anyway we not here for all of that. Beat this bitch’s ass in the privacy of your own home. We’re here for one purpose and that’s to get rid of that fat ass mothafucka! Skeezers belongs to me, not him!”
“So what’s the plan?” Marvin frowned. He was upset he couldn’t punish his girlfriend. “Because I’m tired of talking about the smaller details. I want to get it over with. Then we’ll see who’ll been laughing.”
“I’ll get the gun but you better not try to sell it after you use it.” Levine pointed at him. “More than likely it’ll be linked to bodies. Just do the job and dump the piece. Do anything else and you’ll get caught. That much I promise you.”
Levine wanted Killer dead for many reasons. His constant interference in her business was causing her major disgust. But there was nothing that irritated her more than Killer standing to make profit off of the club if she sold it to Mr. Walker. Two owners meant he would get half of the money and so she needed him dead. It was blood money. Her daughter died because of it. She didn’t want to share on a profit that was rightfully hers. She wanted it all to herself but first she had to exile her partner.
Even if she had to do it own her own.
Cupid was in my dressing room and we were about to get ready for our sets when I remembered something important I had to rap to her about. “So why didn’t you tell me?” I turned my chair around to look at her face. “Because your ass been holding out on me for far too long.”
She frowned. “Tell you what?” She continued to play with her cell phone. “You always tripping.”
“That you got yourself a new boo,” I said grinning. I hated when she held back on the goods so I wasn’t going to let up until she told me every detail. “We supposed to be girls but you hold back on this? Damn, Cupid.” I shook my head.
She cleared her throat. “Bitch, you gotta be clearer than that because I got a few boos. So which one you talking about? The nigga West who comes here on Thursday or Magnum who breaks me off with that paper on the weekend?”
“I ain’t talking about them Georges!” I yelled. “I want to know about the nigga you seeing out on the street. Since it’s obvious we not as cool as I thought we were.” I paused. “And stop acting like it’s not a big deal either before I swell on you! I should kick your ass anyway for not telling me the moment you broke your man drought!”
She shrugged. “For real I didn’t think you’d give a fuck. You been so caught up in the fact that Killer’s brother went back inside that I didn’t want to say anything about my love life. It’s not major anyway.”
I rolled my eyes because I was tired of hearing about Scholar. Every day Killer walked around the house moping that he was rearrested and it made me shiver. To me it was a blessing in disguise and I couldn’t help but think that Killer was a little salty with me, especially since the check fraud felony on my record was the cause of his demise.
“First of all Scholar going back to jail is not my business.” I shifted in my seat a little. “If he in there it’s because he was supposed to be and that don’t have nothing to do with me. Well…not really anyway. Plus it’s not like he’s gonna be in there forever. As long as he don’t shank a nigga and catch another charge.” I laughed.
“So how Killer taking it now? Because I know he was on the verge of wilding out at first.”
I sighed. “He’s getting better. I’ll give him a few days and some more shots of good pussy and he’ll be back to normal.”
She frowned and I didn’t know why.
“So are you trying to skip the subject, Cupid?”
“I got a dude but what I want to know is how you find out?” She sat up, picked up her phone and crossed her leg. “But we not about to get married or nothing.”
“That still not explaining why you didn’t talk to me about him.”
“Every time I bring something up about a dude I’m fucking you think it’s a joke because you don’t see him. Like I said all you been talking about lately been Scholar. Make me think you wanted to fuck him or something. I be like damn, Sprinkles is his biggest fan. Stay with the nigga name in her mouth.”
“What?” I said, my eyes widening.
“You heard me.” She continued to text on her phone. “You can fake deaf all you like but we both know my voice was clear. You act like you checking for his brother.”
I frowned. “So you think I would do something that foul?”
I moved closer to her, crossed my legs and waited for an answer. We haven’t been friends for that long but I hoped she would know that cheating on my nigga is not my style. This despite all the bitches I knew he was dabbing on a regular. My loyalty and ability to keep secrets is the main reason Killer did so much for me. I would never fuck that up for nobody, especially not his brother.
“I said what I said and I’m not taking it back.” She rolled her eyes.
I leaned in. “Let me tell you something…that
I’ll never tell another person.” I pointed at her. “So if it gets out I’ll know exactly where it came from and I’ll never trust you again.”
“I’m listening…” She said anxiously.
“I’m serious. I can be a real dangerous bitch if crossed.”
“Enough with the threats and more with the 411.” She crossed her legs to the other side and wiggled her foot.
“I’m the one who called the parole office on Scholar’s ass. I let them know that he was hanging in the company of felons, which is against his parole. And yes that felon was me.” I pointed at myself. “They was looking for a reason to pull him back anyway. All I did was give it to them.”
Her jaw dropped.
“Put your tongue back in your mouth before I put Orange Pop’s tampon on it,” I continued.
She scooted up. “You’re fucking lying!”
“I’m not lying!” I yelled. “I did it because I knew if he was home Killer would get in trouble with him. So I snitched to keep my nigga home. I snitched because I got to protect our relationship and I’d do it again.”
Cupid sat her phone down on my dresser and scooted up to me. With a big smile on her face she gave me some love. “Bitch, you the fucking man! I would’ve did that shit too!”
I was surprised she said that because I was feeling a little guilty. It’s not that I don’t think it was the right thing. It’s just that seeing Killer moping around made me feel like it was a move I made too early. I should’ve given them at least a month to reconnect.
“Really, Cupid?”
“Girl, yes! If my dude was in the company of a psychopath I would’ve had to make the call. I’m serious!”
I sighed. “I felt bad about it until now. I mean, I love Scholar, I really do but I can’t have him fucking with Killer. Not right now. Not with everything going on in our lives.”
“Like what?”
“You know we just bought the house, Cupid. And he invested half our savings into this business. I need to make sure he’s home long enough to protect the investment and fucking with Scholar is not the move. That nigga is like a vampire. All he wants his blood.”